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terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011

Presentation : Lettícia Pinheiro

Hi, my name is Lettícia Pinheiro, but my friends call me "Titi".I’m 15 years old and I’m from Brasília.I have brown eyes, have dark hair with some lighter streaks.My height is average,which means that I am neither too high nor too low.I love making new friends.What can I say about my personality?
I can say I'm a very social person, I'm generally very playful with friends. I do not accept lies and I'm very honest with people. It is with sincerity and sensitivity that I make new friends. My best quality is making new friends easily.
I really like sports, like volleyball. Other things I like doing are dancing and singing. When I say I like music, I talk about all kinds of music except heavy metal. My favorite color is pink and lilac.Strange to say but I really love going to school, not only to study but also to see friends and teachers, which then become our good friends over the years in school. But I also really miss my friends Sigma and think about them every day. Going forward, I intend to pursue a career as a journalist, and really think I have talent.
Well, that's just a little of my story!
Kisses Titi.

Lettícia Pinheiro,N° 22 - 1°K

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